11 Things to Consider Before a Renovation Project

17 Jan 2024

Considering a renovation project? Make sure you've covered all bases first.

Undertaking a renovation project is a significant step towards transforming your home into your dream space. Whether you're planning to extend your living area, remodel your kitchen, or give your entire home a facelift, it's crucial to embark on this journey with careful consideration and informed decision-making. In this article, we will guide you through the essential factors to consider before starting your renovation project, and help you avoid common pitfalls to ensure a successful outcome.

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1. Define Your Renovation Goals:

Before diving into the world of renovations, take some time to clearly define your goals. Ask yourself why you are making these improvements. What do you hope to achieve with this project? Is it more space, enhanced aesthetics, improved functionality, or a combination of these? By identifying your objectives upfront, you'll be better equipped to communicate your vision to tradespeople and professionals, ensuring that the end result aligns with your desires.

2. Set a Realistic Budget:

Budgeting is a crucial aspect of any renovation project. Determine how much you are willing and able to spend on your project. To get an accurate estimate, research the average costs of renovations in the UK.


House Renovation Cost


£26,000 – £34,000

Loft conversion


New bathroom


New kitchen


Garage conversion





Up to £16,000

Double glazing

£400-£600 per window

Installing central heating


New boiler


New roof

£4,500 – £12,000

Fixing rot

£1,000 – £2,000

Woodworm treatment

£450 – £800

Source: Home Owners Alliance

Ensure you stay on top of your spending during the renovations as this is the time when the costs can run away from you and leave you over budget.

3. Obtain Necessary Planning Permissions:

Certain renovation projects may require planning permissions or building regulations approval from your local authority. Failing to obtain the required permits can lead to costly legal issues and project delays. Visit your local planning department or check online resources to understand the specific requirements for your project. This step is particularly crucial for larger projects, such as extensions or structural alterations.

4. Consider Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBGs):

One of the essential aspects of hiring tradespeople for your renovation project is ensuring that they provide Insurance Backed Guarantees (IBGs). IBGs offer you peace of mind by protecting your investment in case the contractor ceases trading or fails to honour their guarantees. Always inquire if the tradespeople you hire offer IBGs as part of their services.

5. Verify Deposit Protection:

To safeguard your finances, inquire whether the tradespeople you hire are part of a deposit protection scheme. This scheme ensures that any deposit can be protected via the IBG provider. Make sure to get written confirmation of deposit protection before making any payments.

6. Set Realistic Timelines:

Planning is essential when it comes to renovations. Projects often take longer than anticipated, so it's essential to set realistic timelines from the beginning. Create a detailed project schedule that outlines key milestones and deadlines. Be prepared for unforeseen delays due to weather, supply chain issues, or unexpected problems that may arise during construction. Building in some buffer time can help you stay on track and reduce stress.

7. Use Accredited Tradespersons:

Hiring accredited tradespeople is crucial for the success of your renovation project. Look for professionals who are members of recognised trade associations such as the Consumer Protection Association. Accreditation ensures that the tradespeople adhere to industry standards and are committed to quality workmanship.

8. Plan for Temporary Living Arrangements:

Depending on the scope of your renovation project, you may need to make temporary living arrangements during the construction phase. Factor this into your budget and timeline. Consider staying with family or friends, renting temporary accommodation, or setting up a comfortable living space within your home that is separate from the construction zone. And be prepared for a mess!

9. Review Contracts Thoroughly:

Contracts are essential documents that outline the terms, scope, and responsibilities of all parties involved in your renovation project. Before signing any agreements, carefully review them with the assistance of a legal advisor. Pay close attention to payment schedules, warranties, dispute resolution procedures, and any clauses related to changes in the project scope.

Ensure you know what you are responsible for. For example, if you have new windows fitted and the installer is not FENSA registered, it is your responsibility to make sure all window and door installations comply with Building Regulations and are registered with the local council.

10. Stay Informed and Communicate:

Effective communication is key to a successful renovation project. Stay informed about the progress, challenges, and decisions that need to be made. Maintain open and regular communication with your project team, including architects, contractors, and designers. Establish a communication plan to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

11. Prepare for Unforeseen Costs:

Renovation projects often come with unexpected expenses. It's essential to have a contingency fund set aside for unforeseen costs, which can typically range from 10% to 20% of your total budget. These funds will help cover any surprises that may arise, such as structural issues or design changes.

How the CPA Can Help:

The Consumer Protection Association UK is here to assist you in your home improvement endeavours. While our services may not directly relate to your renovation project, we are committed to providing valuable information and resources that empower consumers like you to make informed decisions. By addressing the needs and questions of both consumers and tradespeople, we aim to become your trusted source for all aspects of home improvement. Your dream home is within reach, and we're here to help you achieve it.


In conclusion, embarking on a renovation project can be a rewarding experience when approached with careful planning and consideration. By defining your renovation goals, setting a realistic budget, obtaining necessary permits, and prioritising important factors like IBGs and deposit protection, you can ensure a successful and stress-free renovation journey. Utilise accredited tradespeople, review contracts meticulously, and prepare for unforeseen costs to minimise potential pitfalls.

Other useful resources:

What Are The Rights of a Consumer in the UK?

To Move or Improve… What’s the Right Decision For You?

Contractor Guarantee: What it is And Why You Need it.

How to Manage a Kitchen Renovation Property Without Losing Your Sanity.

Planning Permission Guide.