As part of its commitment to giving its members the very best service and products, the Consumer Protection Association (CPA) has invested to upskill one of its senior team.Tim White, who is National Sales Manager at the CPA, recently gained two Level 5 diplomas – one in Management and one in Principals of Management and Leadership.Tim took the two QCF accredited courses over a two year period as part of the organisation’s continuous professional development programme – completing the modules in his spare time.Alongside these two programmes Tim also brushed up on his English and Maths – completing Level Two functional Maths and ICT.
Investing in our team
Jeremy Brett, Director, comments: “We are passionate about developing skills in house and investing to ensure our staff are the best they can be – because this means the best level of service for our customers.”Tim comments: “I’ve enjoyed going back to school for two years but I can’t lie I am looking forward to my evenings and weekends now being free. It was an important investment to make, as it means I can now provide stronger leadership and work on commercial opportunities that will benefit CPA members.”The CPA is recognised by consumers as one of the most trusted resources for finding accredited and vetted installers.As well as Insurance Backed Guarantees and Deposit Protection, the CPA also offer its members a host of beneficial schemes such as marketing support, sales training help, and quarterly assessment reports that tell members what their customers think about the work they are doing.